In 2005 I meet a guy his name was Ryan we were both going to hard times we were both not accept where we were I’m bisexual I have been for year I didn’t come out till I was 15 Ryan never felt like a guy he felt trapped in a body that wasn’t him but couldn’t do anything because he felt he wouldn’t be accepted for 2 years I helped him get the courage to become who he felt he was Dakota he was a beautiful women and for time in the two years I had known him he was happy with himself with life no one understood him he was judged everyday of his life but he was happy I was there for him his mother kicked him out and I opened my door with my family with open arms he wasn’t just a tranny he wasn’t confused he was trapped living a life he didn’t believe was his i helped him find him self he became family he because my light he saved my life I saved his but people can only be strong for so long and when the words get to you they destroy not just the victims but everyone around them everyone who cared Dakota took her life last year at 21 she had so much ahead of her it’s time people understand that words hurt yeah we grow up with the whole “stick and stones will break our bones but words will never hurt you” words may never break your bones but they will leave you damaged they will fuck with your mind change your thought on yourself your self esteem will fall you won’t be comfortable in your own skin just because word don’t break bones doesn’t mean it doesn’t hurt so let’s wise up understand the meaning of what we stay and stop taking the lives that haven’t even started yet. When I was in middle school, on April 19, 2011, I asked my best friend if she wanted to date me. She said yes, but she knew if her parents found out everything would go wrong. Two weeks later, her parents found out. They said that I was going to Hell for making their daughter gay and that I was an ugly, terrible person. They took all contact I had with her away. Her cell phone, her laptop, the only contact I had with her was school… And they eventually took that away too. They put her in a Christian school to convert her to being straight. Once the summer came, I never heard from her again, and she was my best friend. It still hurts today, almost 4 years later, that there could be someone so intolerant of their children. Both of us were on the verge of suicide. I know it’s not a transgender story, but it does involve conversion… And I want to put an end to it because it’s just not right!