Hi, I’m K. G.

I’m a 20 year old FtM with a loving and supportive family and group of friends. That’s it. I haven’t suffered any bullying or abuse because of who I am. Sure, I was bullied for being a nerd but I didn’t come out as trans until I dropped out of highschool. Yes I experience extreme bouts of dysphoria, usually about once a month. *wink wink, nudge nudge* No I am not a tragic story like most of the others you’ve heard about, or maybe you are experiencing yourself. I thought it would be refreshing to show you that people and, yes society, are changing. The world is changeing! Unfortunately, some people are afraid of change so be careful of those people. If you’re a trans individual, gender-fluid, or non-Binary person: don’t worry, they can’t tell. Go to whichever bathroom you wanna use. What everyone else thinks is none of your business. It’s 2015 not 1915. There is hope.

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