Supporting All Our Children

I wrote this post for my blog in Leelah’s memory. All of us, whether or not we are parents, need to support our youth. You can read more at my blog:

On December 28, 17-year-old transgender teen Leelah Alcorn committed suicide near her Ohio home. “Home,” though, seems like a misnomer. It seems Leelah never had a true home, a place where she felt affirmed, accepted, and loved for the unique person she was. When she came out to her family, they reacted with anger and disrespect. Her parents, she wrote, took her out of school and took away her phone so she couldn’t have contact with supportive friends. They took her to so-called “Christian” therapists for her depression. They used their beliefs to condemn their child, denying her deeply felt identity as a trans* girl.

It’s painfully clear that Leelah’s parents had no idea how to support a transgender child. What can we who are parents, and we who have children in our lives, do to support the free development of all children? [Read more…]

This isn’t a story.. More like my love for Leelah

I never knew Leelah, never met her. I never knew anything about her, until her death was announced to the world.

I’m so ashamed at her family for not truly loving her like if she was there own. Because of their lack of love, parenting & support they lost a beautiful child.

I hope one day our WHOLE WORLD will accept the LGBT community.

As a whole nation, it is a must to work on acceptance & equality.

No matter what gender, race or sexuality you are, your still human & that’s one thing a lot of human beings don’t seem to understand.

I don’t understand why the LGBT community has so much hate. Especially when the community has done nothing to deserve such hate & discrimination.

Whether it’s shoes, an accessory, an animal or even simple things like food, loving ANYTHING or ANYONE is possible, which includes loving the same sex.

I hope Leelah gets her wish, because she truly deserves it. She deserves so much more then what her parents gave her & as for her parents, shame on them. If they were true Christians that lived their life by or for God, they would’ve accepted Leelah for wanting to be who she was because God supposedly loves all & everyone’s equal.

I’m not a transgender, I’m a lesbian & have been engaged to my girlfriend for the past 2 years & I love her dearly.

My heart aches for Leelah & what she went through & I just wanted to share my thoughts.

My dear, I know you’ll never see this, but I hope you enjoyed every bit of your last Christmas & last day here on earth my angel.

R.I.P Leelah Alcorn 1997–2014

I’m Sorry, Leelah

I’m a cis queer Christian girl, and I just wanted to apologize to Leelah. I never met her, or the boy whose body she wore, or any of her friends or family. There is nothing I could have done to save her, but I still have to apologize. I bought into the society that did this to her, that not only did not stop her or save her but that stood by and allowed her to end her life.
When Tumblr, by request of Leelah’s parents, took down Leelah’s tumblr (a backup of which you can find here: I saw on tumblr that on Reddit she was known as nostalgiaprincess, and I went and checked her out.
I found a beautiful girl who was full of life; she loved art and video games, and longed for the day she would turn 18 and move out, get her own hormones, and become the girl she really was. She was active on a subreddit where she often gave advice to trans people, mostly girls, who were trying to pass as their transitioning gender. She was a beautiful girl who had so much to offer the world, who could have changed society with her amazing life instead of her untimely death. Her parents deserve only a fraction of the blame. A culture that allows transphobia is truly the culprit.
I’m sorry, Leelah, that I let you die.
RIP => Rest In Power

Like Buffy

It appeared to me that I was transgender roughly five months ago. I literally woke up with it, having previously been curious about what I’d look like as a girl. The first week was filled with so much joy. Pure. Like Leelah, I had discovered who I really was. It gave me the defining motivation to quit the unhealthy lifestyle that my depression and unrest had led me to. I then realized that these psychological problems were caused by my gender dysphoria, because they subsided significantly once I found out. [Read more…]

Something In Common

In 2005 I meet a guy his name was Ryan we were both going to hard times we were both not accept where we were I’m bisexual I have been for year I didn’t come out till I was 15 Ryan never felt like a guy he felt trapped in a body that wasn’t him but couldn’t do anything because he felt he wouldn’t be accepted for 2 years I helped him get the courage to become who he felt he was Dakota he was a beautiful women and for time in the two years I had known him he was happy with himself with life no one understood him he was judged everyday of his life but he was happy I was there for him his mother kicked him out and I opened my door with my family with open arms he wasn’t just a tranny he wasn’t confused he was trapped living a life he didn’t believe was his i helped him find him self he became family he because my light he saved my life I saved his but people can only be strong for so long and when the words get to you they destroy not just the victims but everyone around them everyone who cared Dakota took her life last year at 21 she had so much ahead of her it’s time people understand that words hurt yeah we grow up with the whole “stick and stones will break our bones but words will never hurt you” words may never break your bones but they will leave you damaged they will fuck with your mind change your thought on yourself your self esteem will fall you won’t be comfortable in your own skin just because word don’t break bones doesn’t mean it doesn’t hurt so let’s wise up understand the meaning of what we stay and stop taking the lives that haven’t even started yet. When I was in middle school, on April 19, 2011, I asked my best friend if she wanted to date me. She said yes, but she knew if her parents found out everything would go wrong. Two weeks later, her parents found out. They said that I was going to Hell for making their daughter gay and that I was an ugly, terrible person. They took all contact I had with her away. Her cell phone, her laptop, the only contact I had with her was school… And they eventually took that away too. They put her in a Christian school to convert her to being straight. Once the summer came, I never heard from her again, and she was my best friend. It still hurts today, almost 4 years later, that there could be someone so intolerant of their children. Both of us were on the verge of suicide. I know it’s not a transgender story, but it does involve conversion… And I want to put an end to it because it’s just not right!

Finding Out Identity

I’m 19 years old and am a Male to Female transgender. I currently live in a very conservative, religious small town. I always knew there was something different about me, even to my earliest memories, but I couldn’t quite pinpoint it. While I played with “boy toys” and never really seemed girly to others, I would always want to be the heroines of my favorite shows (Totally Spies and Sailor Moon, in case you were wondering). I was never vocal about it, but I spent every day as a heroine of some sort in my imagination. As I got older, I realized there was something odd and that regular boys didn’t do that sort of thing. I started to act more masculine on the outside, thinking I could “fix” myself, but I just couldn’t get rid of that feeling I kept pushing away. That anxiety coupled with my Dad being diagnosed with ALS and his eventual death drove me crazy. I began to cut myself and even attempted suicide once. A few years after he was gone, I learned about transgenders. It finally clicked and I knew what I was, but I heard and saw all the negativity against them and was too afraid to come out. At least, until last year. I finally got the courage to come out to my mom. We argued a lot, and for a while she thought I was insane. She remembered how I would play with “boy toys” and thought because I didn’t fit the stereotype that I couldn’t be transgender and that it was just a phase. But now we’ve had some time to talk things over, and we went to an impartial psychiatrist who gave us all the facts and details, and now she’s super supportive along with a few close friends! But still, given how hostile my community is, I’ve made little progress in transitioning. It’s a terrifying thought honestly. But Leelah’s story inspired me. She was able to be true to herself despite everything, even though she wasn’t lucky enough to have the support I have. I don’t think I would be able to live with myself any longer, wasting the love and support that so many would yearn for. So, I’ve finally made the decision to start the transition process. I owe Leelah for giving me the courage, and this page for giving me something to be passionate about. Thank you so much. Let’s get Leelah’s Law passed! No one should have to go through that kind of hell! And if there’s anyone like me who has been hesitating, I personally think they should go for it. More than being afraid of discrimination, I think the real thing we should be afraid of is regret. No one should live in regret over the things they could have done or the person they could have been.

Hidden Identity

I wasn’t born with the name that all my friends secretly call me, but It’s the name I chose for my real self. I was born a girl, but always looked at my brother wishing that I could be like him. But not his personality, I wanted to be a guy because I hated girly things and I enjoy dressing and looking like a guy. But it got to the point I just wasn’t happy in my own body. It didn’t show what I was inside. It took a lot of tears and fighting to find out that in the end, Im a boy trapped in a girls body. While everyone knew I was a lesbian, no one knows the truth. I try to deny who I am, because my family will never accept me. My mom freaked when she found out I was gay. When she saw my facebook used male pronouns, she nearly had a heart attack. I had to lie to keep her from knowing. I will never transition because hurting my family just to make me happy with myself is just something I’ve never been able to do. I couldn’t possibly hurt my mom with that, because when she approached me about my facebook, she said that “transgender people were mentally ill and confused and she didn’t want her daughter to feel that way”. It doesn’t help that my grandparents are proud that I’m their only granddaughter. I have denied religion in the belief that all it has done is blind my mom from seeing that being a parent is more about loving your child no matter what they grow up to be or what they’re born as. I know most people will say that I should leave my family if they would accept me for who I am. But I just can’t. I’ll be 19 soon. I’m afraid of the future and what will happen. All I know is that I need to just keep living.

A Message to all TransYouth

hello im charity and i joined because i wanted to show my support for the many young people who are transgender and deal with depression and suicide. i have a video i done id like to share because recently one of our own in the transgender community who was 17 took her own life and it inspired me to make the video to give those some hopes thats its not the end…there is options and people that are out there to talk to. please watch all of it. share this video to all.

Relating to Leelah

What has occurred with Leelah is certainly a tragedy and very relatable for me. This is just some of my story…

I was born Christopher Cody on March 31, 1998, in a small town in the state of Arkansas. I am male to female transgender. From the age of 5 until I was 12, I was forced to attend a Trinity Holiness Pentecostal Christian Church. There I was repeatedly taught that gays, transsexuals, interracial couples, were all wrong and definitely of the Devil.

When I was younger and played with my female cousins, I always made them be the guy when playing “Barbie’s” and “house.” I would wear my moms clothes, shoes, etc. I used to also wear a towel on my hair to act like I had long hair. I had all the signs and symptoms, and I always knew I was different.

At one point I got my cousins grandma to buy me some Barbie’s, and my dad found them. He threw them away and I had never seen him so angry. The only time I ever got to play with them was when I went to my female cousins. We played with makeup, dolls, and everything we wanted.

The years went on my brother passed, we moved to even a smaller town in Arkansas, and I was starting to be more confused. This is when we quit going to church, which I am oh so thankful for! Fast forward to 9th grade and I come out as bisexual, then gay to everyone besides my family.

I started missing school and I landed myself in the court system for missing 50+ days. I eventually got out my 10th grade year in September, was placed back in December for missing 30+ additional days. This time I was court ordered to cut my hair (that hadn’t been cut since 9th grade) for punishment for missing school.

I refused and ended up in juvenile detention for 9 days. On the 9th day I went to see my counselor and came out as male to female transgender. I was diagnosed with major depressive disorder and gender identity disorder. I was sent to a behavioural hospital, and got released on the 7th day, just 5 days before my 16th birthday.

I have cut off all relations with every family member I have due to unacceptance, besides my mom (my mom and dad divorced November 2012). She doesnt like it, but she deals with it, although she won’t let me transition. When she gets angry with me she calls me “boy” on purpose because she knows it upsets me.

There’s only one person I can say truly accepts and loves me unconditionally, and that’s my friend Sabrina I met about 2 years ago on a site called ‘Omegle’. The only sad part is that she’s 631 miles away. I think this is what makes us closer though.

These are just some of the main points in my story, I didnt cover as much as I would of liked to, but its already unorganized enough.

Elise Marie

If any of you ever feel alone, you can email me at [email protected], your secrets are safe with me.

Rest in Power, Leelah. <3