Love for Leelah

From Pitt Meadows, BC Canada:

I don’t have much of a story, I am bisexual and a Christian, but I don’t feel that matters in the grand scheme of things here.
What happened to you shouldn’t happen to anyone and conversion therapies are so wrong on so many levels.
I just wanted to say I stand by you Leelah, and you will always be in my heart and we’ll keep fighting for you. I am so so sorry it took your death for this movement, but I promise it will not be in vain.
– Kira

Love for Leelah

From Pitt Meadows, BC Canada:
Leelah you will always be in my heart and we’ll keep fighting for you. I’m so sorry it took your death for this movement, but I promise it will not be in vain.
– Kira

Mom of transgender

My son is transgender (f2m) and I could never imagine putting him through this. I love my baby, no matter what. I am proud of my son!! Being transgender is hard enough and to have your own parents against you is heartbreaking. I take this personally and Leelah I will spend everyday of the rest of my life fighting so that no child will ever have to hurt like you.I wish I could have known you, to hold you and try to make it easier, bearable. You deserved so much more. Rest easy princess, we will do everything we can to make it a better world.

A broken momma

Stay Strong

I didn’t know much about the LGBT community until middle school. I was a church kid growing up, and I remember early on having feelings for girls. I remember at least having an attachment to women, and as a kid I liked walking around with no shirt and I liked not wearing a bra and I liked pictures that made me look like a boy. But then I hit puberty and I was an awkward preteen, and in my sophomore year of high school I struggled with my sexuality. I eventually grew confident in that but the word lesbian and gay never felt right, at least lesbian didn’t. Because I mean I like guys but even when I liked girls more it still didn’t.

Around the time I was getting comfortable with my sexuality I started to question whether or not I was transgender. I pushed it aside, because I was like, no, I just figured out my sexuality–I can’t just have something to figure out like that again. I denied it for a few months until I started to think about it. I was still denying it but I was questioning. I told my Mom two months ago and I talked to my therapist about it. [Read more…]

Parents Isolate Friend for Being a Lesbian

When I was in middle school, on April 19, 2011, I asked my best friend if she wanted to date me. She said yes, but she knew if her parents found out everything would go wrong. Two weeks later, her parents found out. They said that I was going to Hell for making their daughter gay and that I was an ugly, terrible person. They took all contact I had with her away. Her cell phone, her laptop, the only contact I had with her was school… And they eventually took that away too. They put her in a Christian school to convert her to being straight. Once the summer came, I never heard from her again, and she was my best friend. It still hurts today, almost 4 years later, that there could be someone so intolerant of their children. Both of us were on the verge of suicide. I know it’s not a transgender story, but it does involve conversion… And I want to put an end to it because it’s just not right!

Leelah is Missed

I am 19. Female to male. Pre everything. I connected to this is so many ways, her suicide letter looked like many of mine. I have not told my parents I’m transgender cause of the fear of the outrage of my farther, and the disowning of my mother. Their both hard core religious. They think LGBT is all a choice we make. Everywhere I am out.. Everywhere but family. I know they will not support me, and I know I will get disowned. I want to start my transition, and I will soon. But it needs to end, this violence, and not being accepted in society. We need to teach that it is not bad to be who you are. Don’t let Fucking society rule us. It killed me to read that a sister died for this all to start going down. She is missed. I understand the pain of religious parents. And not being accepted.

No Moobs

I live in Riverside, RI. I have Medicare and NHP and the day of my surgery in August 2014 my insurance called and decided they weren’t going to pay for it. Even though for a full year my doctors, surgeons and I were told by my insurance was covered. I lost all my money, and I just stopped trying. Maybe that’s what insurance companies want us trans people to do. Give us false hope, tell us they will cover it 100%, feeling relief so we then spend the money we saved originally on our own, then tell us oops we won’t cover it, and then we never ask insurance for surgery again. It took me so long to raise money and now it’s gone. The same exact thing happened to a woman from Providence named Althea Shaheen who had an article about it in The Daily Beast recently. Yet I get no recognition for it, when it happened to me first. Though I do take comfort in the fact that it happened to someone else. All hope is gone. And all thanks to RI NHP, Obama care and Medicare. [Read more…]

So… I’m Jake.

Hi…I’m Jake, and I’m super bad at these things haha. I’m transgender, ftm, 17, and I live in Nebraska so that’s great (not).
…I miss Leelah, like, a lot. I have no idea what she was like. Like she could’ve been the worst person in the world. All I know is she should still be alive.
It feels like the only way we can change things is to kill ourselves. Why does change only come when we die?
Stand up for us now. This can’t continue. I dont want to have to die and watch my friends die so I can see things are moving.
Stop this battle between religion and sexuality/gender. Let’s just live OK? together<3

Introducing myself to the world.

When I was born my parents were told that I was a girl, this is back in 1996 when homosexual love had been accepted but were still obviously having troubles with equality. I came from an upper middle class background and family and abuse for some reason was riddled in my family from before I was born to only five years ago when I was thirteen.

I’m not going to lie, when I first found my sexuality I didn’t know what to think of it and thought that it was a disgusting thing but I was at a very young age when I realised that I was sexually attracted to women and even the thought of boys freaked me out. Then as I got older I obviously understood sexuality more and grew to accept it with in myself. I told every at school first and they were completely happy with it though just because I was attracted to girls tried to get me to go out with the only other bisexual girl in the class. But obviously we’re not attracted to everyone that’s the same sexuality as us even straight people. [Read more…]