Hi, my name is Ally. I am 15, and a straight cisgender female. I wrote this rant the other day to hopefully inspire others to help pass Leelah’s Law, and to fight against the injustice that many individuals have to face every day. Thank you 🙂
This country… this continent… this Earth…. It’s fucked up. I’m sorry for not being “classy” and “what not”; but there’s no better way of putting it. Most of my friends, especially those whom are practically family, they can be discriminated because of gender. Not sex, but gender. No, they’re not interchangeable. “Gender?” , you may say. “But there’s gender equality in our country…. Not really. We’re working on it. Nope, sorry, we’re dealing with Ebola. We don’t have time for that.” Let focus on spazzing over the single digit number of people in the US who have contracted it. Not about teenage suicide. Not anxiety, or depression. Not helping people discover who they really are. Telling a little girl, “You’re a girl, you can’t be batman. There’s a batGIRL for a reason.” But let’s think, BatMAN is more known than Batgirl. Batman is the guy with all the movies. So who’s to say a girl can’t be Batman? Why can’t someone say, “Mom, I know for the past 20 years I’ve been your daughter, but frankly, I don’t feel like a girl at all. No, I’m not a tomboy. This isn’t a body image issue either. I just don’t feel that this *body gesture* corresponds with what I feel here *hand over heart*. I feel like I’m a guy. I feel that’s where I belong. And this girl name you gave me, it doesn’t fit me. What guy is named Sally? If you don’t want me to change it, them give me a boy’s name. Let me be who I see myself as. Who I feel I really am.” I’m not a transgender individual. I was born a girl, and I’m cool with that. I’m fine being a girl. It feels right to me. Every US citizen is entitled to “the pursuit of happiness”. But how can someone be happy, if they can’t be who they really are? Coming out and supporting LGBTQ community members doesn’t injure or kill anyone. Beating them down, making them feel like nothing can injure someone. Can kill them. Can make them hate themselves. So they cut, they overdose, they want a way to escape. To escape the people who are hurting them. If this was your child, brother, sister, friend, or parent… Which path do you want them to take. Their pursuit of happiness, or their visit to “six feet under”?
You couldn’t have said it any better I completely agree with you 🙂
Thank you so much for sharing your insights. I agree with you 1000% & you took the words right out my mouth.
Thank you so much for being a supporter.